Valor Coffee Podcast Ep #120: Three Changes That Will Take Your Mobile Coffee Cart to New Heights – 10/16/2024

By: Valor Team

Published On: October 21, 2024

Category: Podcast

If you're running a mobile coffee cart, you’ve probably faced the same challenges we did: pricing headaches, slow service during rushes, and the constant push to improve operations. Over the years, we've learned a few lessons—sometimes the hard way—and today, we’re sharing three changes that took our mobile coffee cart to the next level.

1. Simplify Your Menu and Serve Smaller Drinks

In our early days of coffee catering, we aimed to replicate the cafe experience on wheels. We offered a full range of drink sizes and options, thinking this would enhance the customer experience. Instead, it slowed us down. People spent too much time deciding what to order, and our espresso machine couldn't keep up with the volume of large milk-based drinks.

The Solution? We shifted to only offering 8-ounce drinks or smaller. This decision streamlined our workflow and improved service speed. Customers don’t miss larger sizes, especially at events where drinks are often free and unlimited. As a bonus, split shots and smaller milk volumes eased the strain on our espresso machine, preventing breakdowns and reducing wait times.

To make this work:

  • Focus on offering high-quality, smaller-sized beverages.
  • Ensure your espresso machine can keep up with the pace, especially during peak times.
  • Don't worry about customer complaints—most people are happy to get a delicious 8-ounce drink at a wedding or corporate event, and can come back for more if they want!
  • Split shots will let you stretch the capabilities of smaller, single group espresso machines.

Pro Tip: Consider batch brewing cold brew concentrate for iced lattes to further reduce the demand on your espresso machine.

2. Price Your Services Correctly

Undercharging for your mobile coffee cart services might get you a few gigs, but it won’t sustain your business long-term. When we started, we priced our services too low to book more events. While this got us in the door, it wasn’t worth the time and effort in the long run.

How We Fixed It: We developed a pricing formula using a catering quote calculator (which you can find on the Valor Coffee Community). This tool considers all the costs involved and ensures you're charging enough to make your events profitable.

Additionally, we learned to target clients with higher budgets. Booking weddings and corporate events became much easier once we positioned ourselves as a premium service.

If you’re just starting out, here's a better approach:

  • Charge what you’re worth from the start. Underpricing will only lead to burnout.
  • Instead of doing discounted gigs, offer a free coffee cart giveaway in exchange for social media exposure. You get visibility without underselling yourself.
  • Focus on marketing to clients who are willing to pay for luxury experiences— think weddings, corporate events, and film sets.

3. Dial in Your SEO

Instagram is great for showing off your cart’s aesthetic, but to consistently book high-paying events, you need to rank well on Google. When someone searches for “coffee cart near me” or “coffee catering in [your city],” you want to be in the top results. That’s how we’ve booked events with companies like the Church of Scientology and corporate clients in the film industry.

The Key? Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We spent time optimizing our website, making sure it ranks high for key terms like “Atlanta coffee cart” or “coffee catering services.”

To start improving your SEO:

  • Focus on local search terms that people will use to find your service, like “coffee cart [your city].”
  • Build a solid website with clear calls to action and a smooth booking process.
  • Invest in professional SEO services if needed. We worked with LocalEyes, and it helped us secure top spots in search results, leading to more bookings. They even offer discounts for those who partner through Valor! Visit LocalEyes and dial in your SEO today!

Bonus Tip: Deliver an Experience People Want to Rebook

Your mobile coffee cart isn’t just about serving great drinks—it’s about delivering an unforgettable experience. Whether it's a corporate event, wedding, or a film set, make sure your service is efficient, friendly, and fun. Building relationships and creating memorable experiences will help you secure repeat clients and referrals.

Want more coffee cart tips? Join the Valor Coffee Community and get help from hundreds of others on the same journey as you!

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